Aponordic is a consulting practice run by Dr. Pablo Valiente.
Pablo loves working with business development activities and he has done it successfully for the past 15 years or so. Facing a business-related challenge, breaking it down to its parts and delivering solutions that improve measurable results is Aponordic’s area of expertise.
Pablo has both studied the process (he holds a Ph.D. from the Stockholm School of Economics), practiced it at large consultancy companies (among others IBM Business Services) and for the last years he runs Aponordic, his own consultancy business as independent consultant.

At Aponordic, Pablo works with Corporate Strategy (e.g. definition of management and governance models, including vision, strategy, strategic goals, annual targets and objectives), Business Unit Strategy (e.g. business development portfolio strategies) and Operational Strategy (such as process improvements). For detailed information about services, click here.